Frequently Asked Questions

We like good weather and calm seas of course but the critical thing is to give us a call if you have any doubts. Southwest wind is the best and it can be quite strong in town and still be great at sea. If you get a bad commercial forecast i.e. on TV or the radio please ring as the generic weather predictions can spoil your trip for no reason, we have often had magnificent trips on days the forecasters have given storm warnings.

FANTASTIC! The boat is an 8.5 meter Rayglass Protector – like the Americas Cup tender boats. This boat was designed for the coastguard and is built for extreme conditions. The boat is built with large inflated pontoons it’s like a life jacket for the boat which adds the highest possible safety component of any boat design.

Hard to promise you won’t get sick but the boat is very very stable and we have had a lot of positive comments from other passengers.There is generally to much to see and fun to have to think about sea sickness. please let the skipper know if you have anyone likely to get sea sick

There are a number of sea caves on the coast and around the Islands. We drive right into these caves (safety permitting) and enjoy a variety of marine scenery close up. We try hard to give you the best experience with safety number one in our minds at all times.

We suggest that you use the bathroom at the wharf before we leave, however we do have a portable toilet on board for emergency use . The cabin can be curtained off for privacy. please consider other passengers in regard to bathroom use.

Absolutely, we will give you a life jacket to swim in and if need be you can have a safety line attached to you. Over the summer the crew on the boat can swim with you and show you how to use the goggles and snorkel. The snorkeling is a real hi-light and we encourage everyone to swim.

Sea condition is all about safety and the skippers decision on sailing is final. Rough sea trips are often the best for photography and excitement. Keeping safety uppermost at all times the skipper can get you into spots for some fabulous photos. If your tour is limited by the sea we are prepared to offer a discounted rate on return. We often leave the wharf in Whitianga to pristine smooth seas only to find large sea swells out past Hahei.

Yes, yes we specialise in getting you the best pictures we can. Your camera gear is safe on the boat, it is unlikely it will get wet – but you are at sea and weather/sea conditions sometimes mean there is spray. We will do as much as we can to keep everyone and their cameras etc dry.